City Forester, Brian Jorgenson

Thank you Brian Jorgenson for your talk on City Forestry and the Neighborwoods Program.

“I have identified two currently underserved neighborhoods in west Boise, West Bench and WestValley.  I am currently focusing on West Bench Neighborhood as its size lends to better control and manageability for a pilot project.  I’ve identified several hundred potential planting sites in one are of the neighborhood, but these sites will have to be further screened for the owner’s desires, underground utilities etc.

Working with the Neighborhood Association is a vital component of NeighborWoods.  I hope West Bench neighborhood association will support this project and work with neighborhood planners and Community Forestry to make it happen.”

For those who missed the meeting last week here is a couple documents you may be interested in.

If you are interested in participating in this pilot program contact Brian at


Neighborwoods Presentation to West Bench NA


