• Submit comments at least 10 Calendar Days prior to the hearing date listed above so your comments can be
included in the staff report. For Staff Levels, please comment within 7 Calendar Days of the transmittal date.
• If responding by e-mail, please send comments to PDSTransmittals@cityofboise.org and put the file number in the
subject line.
• Paper copies are available on request. Please call 384-3830 and have the file number available. If you encounterproblems with the electronic transmittals or want to provide feedback, please call 384-3830.
To access case files, thefollowing link should be used:
http://pdsonline.cityofboise.org/pdsonline/CaseSearch.aspxOnce there, enter the case file number including the dash. EX:ZOA11-00005
This will bring up the permit number that the case documentation isstored in.
Click on the permit number and permit information will be shown on thescreen.
On the bottom of the page is a list of tabs, one of the last ones isdocuments: click on documents, and all of the documents associated withthe permit will be shown. Click on the document and it will bringup the document in a pdf.If you have any additional questions on using this systemcontact:
Jennifer Tomlinson at 384-3830 orjtomlinson@cityofboise.org.
ZOA11-00005 Nonconforming uses ordinance amendment.
ZOA11-00006 Urban agriculture ordinance amendment.
img-830083401-0001 Rezone application for N/E corner of maple grove and Ustick
TRS_TRANSMITTAL CUP11-00035 140 child Daycare in Shopko plaza
TRS_TRANSMITTAL CAR11-00008 Zoning proposal for McMillan and Maple Grove
TRS_TRANSMITTAL CAA11-00098 Proposed Daycare at 1816 Reagal