Every Year the City of Boise requires a report from each Neighborhood Association
The report covers the makeup of the Association including Bylaws, Articles of association, Board members and activities of the association for the year. Here is a web version of that report.
2015 Boise Neighborhood Association Annual Report
Required Information Date_1-15-2016
- Neighborhood Association Name:
West Bench Neighborhood Association (WBNA)
- What is the Neighborhood Association’s mission or purpose?
The Association is organized and will be operated to:
- Provide an open process by which all members of the association may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood
- Identify the physical and social needs of the neighborhood
- Identify ways to meet those needs, including seeking funding sources and programs
- Educate members about issues affecting neighborhoods
- Engage the neighborhood in the planning and development process
- Provide an opportunity for the people of the neighborhood to participate in the decision-making processes of the agencies that impact neighborhoods.
- Who is the current President?
President: Ronnie Marler
8781 W Cory Ln 83704
- Please attach a list and contact information for current Board members.
Ronnie Marler
8781 W Cory Ln 83704
Vice President:
Ann Ritter
Mary Margret Draper
Graham Peterson
Board Members:
Tamara Donovan
Chris Allen
Jim Reimer
- Please list each committee, describing its purpose and structure. Include the name, address, phone number and e-mail of each committee Chair.
Public Agency Committee
Chair: Ronnie Marler
Betty Brigante, Kara Deverall
Purpose is to monitor meetings, agendas and actions of public agencies and commissions, including but not limited to the Ada County Highway District, Ada Planning Association, and Boise City. It shall also be the purpose of this committee to participate in ongoing dialogues with developers and the City regarding development projects. After receiving general direction from the Association, this committee is authorized to speak on behalf of the neighborhood association, and empowered to negotiate, with the Association understanding that negotiations are a dynamic process and that the details of the original Association position may need to be modified by this committee in order to achieve the Association’s most important underlying principles. When providing general direction to this committee it is the general membership’s responsibility to outline what those underlying principles are, allowing the committee some latitude in the details of how those underlying principles may be achieved so that the committee may work with them in the best ways possible.
Neighborhood Reinvestment Committee
Chair: Ronnie Marler
Betty Brigante, Mary Margret Draper, Ann Ritter, Chris Allen
Purpose, in part, is to apply for neighborhood reinvestment funds. This committee’s purpose is not limited to seeking funding from the City’s reinvestment fund, but may explore the multiple ways the neighborhood may be invested in, both by the neighborhood itself, and other organizations. Aspects of this committee’s responsibility include identifying eligible projects, to establish a project election procedure, and to ensure that the Association’s project manager for each project is clearly identified. Given the financial implications of this committee, this committee shall always include either the President or the Treasurer, or both, as a member
Grievance Committee
Membership maintained in private mailing list
Purpose is to receive complaints and promptly recommend specific actions to the Board of Directors.
Community Building Committee
Chair Ronnie Marler
Heidi Hartnet, Ann Ritter, Mary Margret Dtaper, Graham Petterson
Purpose is to bring the people of the community together in fun, informal ways so that the people of the neighborhood may get to know each other. It is these informal meetings and activities that often form the foundation of the strongest Associations. The difference between the Neighborhood Reinvestment Committee and the Community Building Committee is that the Neighborhood Reinvestment Committee is project oriented, and the Community Building Committee is activity oriented.
- When were the last board/officer elections? How was that meeting advertised?
Most recent board elections were held February 12th 2015.
Meeting was advertised in a number of ways
- Website located at http://www.WBNABoise.org
- WBNA Email list
Poster on Library bulletin board as well as bulletin boards in local businesses
- When is your next annual meeting and election of Board members?
2nd Thursday in February
- Describe the structure of the board:
The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than three (3) individuals and not more than twelve (12), each of whom at all times shall be a member of the Association. The Board of Directors and Officers shall be elected by the members of record from candidates nominated by the members of record. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors in the interim between general meetings of members. The board shall be accountable to the membership; shall seek the views of those affected by any proposed policies or reactions in a public meeting format before adopting any recommendation on behalf of the association; and shall strictly comply with these Bylaws.
- List your regularly scheduled meeting dates, identify whether they are general membership or board meetings, and state how they will be advertised.
General membership meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of odd numbered months.
Annual meeting and elections are held on the Second Thursday in February.
Other meetings are scheduled on an as needed basis.
All meetings are advertised via the website and on the bulletin board at the Library! and through email in accordance to WBNA bylaws.
- Who should the City send development notices to?
President: Ronnie Marler
8781 W Cory Ln 83704
- Provide information about newsletter, website, listserve, NextDoor or other mass communications means you use. How do users subscribe?
org is the center of our communication efforts.
Members can get updates on the website as well as through our email – mailing list . Users can join the list from our main page at WBNABoise.org.
WBNA also utilizes a Facebook community page at https://www.facebook.com/West-Bench-Neighborhood-Association-140363896046845/?pnref=story
- Provide details and updates on each Neighborhood Reinvestment project funded by the City. We welcome photographs!
See attached nrg_status_report .doc
Neighborhood community-building and educational events
Candidate Forum
In October WBNA held our Mayoral Candidate Forum.
Challengers for Boise Mayor will answered our questions.
Mayor Beiter has declined our invitation, so won’t have all the candidates. We have decided to go ahead and have it anyway.
Neighborhood Association Leadership Summit
In May WBNA Hosted the first annual leadership summit where Neighborhood leaders from around the city got together for a day of shared ideas. Presentations were given by a number of NA representatives. And a Place Evaluation exercise was performed it was a successful event.
Fund Raiser Yard Sale
WBNA Partnered with Ty Jones at the Idaho High School Activities Association. They provided the use of their location on Ustick.
Volunteers donated a variety of items and their time we had a successful event raising $358 to be used for future events including in-kind matching funds for dedication of artwork on our Signal box grant.
WBNA is building partnerships with Boise Parks through planning enhancements of Milwaukee and Fairmont parks. WBNA was the first Neighborhood association to join Boise’s Adopt-A-Park program with our adoption of Mountain view Park.
Development Projects
WBNA was successful in engaging its members to participate in a number of community activities such as public input on many developer meetings on proposed projects.