April Board Meeting

West Bench Neighborhood Association Officer and Board meeting was held April 29th
This meeting was conducted via ZOOM and brought to order by President, Ronnie Marler.
This meeting was held with the primary purpose to review edits previously requested for the By Law
revisions currently taking place; this ahead of the cumulative vote to be presented to all WBNA
residents. The City of Boise will make the final review and acceptance of the By Laws once the final
vote has taken place.
Discussion for topics at the next meeting to be held May, were presented:
*Community Garden at Cabarton Park
*Follow up to Traffic Meeting
*Settlers Canal update – Energize Boise Project/Linear Park.
*Monthly Park Cleanup schedule and Park location
*Future activities to bring the WBNA together during the 2021 year.
Brief discussion for ACHD involvement to assist with areas in the Mountain View neighborhood in
addition, Christine Street which brings concern for congestion plus vehicle access, this based on
proposed multiple housing that is currently being considered. Rochelle Schaetten to coordinate a
ZOOM Meeting for attendees to be held Thursday May 6 at 7:00 PM. Follow up to this meeting to be
presented at the May Board Meeting.
The meeting concluded.

March 11, Board Meeting

This meeting took place via ZOOM and was brought to order by President Ronnie Marler.  

Bylaw input and revision request from the previous meeting were discussed at this meeting.  Recommendations provided were reviewed and discussion for additional time to make revision  requests was established. A particular item discussed was Article 3- Section 3 to include meetings via  ZOOM to be considered standard. The extension to provide input for changes to the bylaws will be  thru the third week of April. The Board and Officers will vote on the final edits, this ahead of  presenting the updated By Laws delivered to the Neighborhood Association in total to review and  vote, this to be May 2021.  

*An interim meeting if required to finalize the items revised, could be put into place. The City of Boise  will make the final approval of the revisions.  

Discussion for the change in Annual Meeting date for the best month of each year took place. The  group consensus will be to hold this meeting the month of October each year.  

ACHD Commissioner Alexis Pickering was in attendance to explain the onset of the five-year  integration plan that is being formed by ACHD; IFYWP. Alexis presented the ACHD website for all in  attendance to view and pointed out the links to access where the West Bench Association can come  together to make requests for intersection plus high traffic areas where it is deemed that assistance  from ACHD might be requested.  

The meeting concluded. 

Annual Meeting Minutes February 2021

February 11, The Annual Meeting for the West Bench Neighborhood Association was called to order by
President Ronnie Marler.
This meeting was conducted via ZOOM, all attendees of the Zoom meeting were requested to add their
name and contact information to the chat stream, 33 neighbors were in attendance.
The annual Treasurer’s Report was made by Jonathan Melby. Jonathan reviewed the expenditures and
asset balance for the 2020 year.
Rochelle Schaetten 2021 nominating Committee Chairperson with the Assistance of Graham Paterson
worked ahead of this year’s annual meeting to provide names of interested candidates to be placed for
election. *This list of candidates included Officer and Board Member positions.
*All incumbent Officers plus incumbent Board Members retained positions by win of acclimation. In
addition, New Members were added to the 2021 Board.
2021 Officers:
President Ronnie Marler
Vice President Rochelle Schaetten
Secretary Annie Fuller
Treasurer Jonathan Melby
Board Members
Aaron England
Joshua Hibbard
Jim Hull (Incumbent)
Jody Hull
Maridee Lemieux
Jeanette Marler
Graham Paterson (Incumbent)
Dave Shaw (Incumbent)
Gordon Simpson (Incumbent)

2020 year in Review – Presentation by President, Ronnie Marler
Spaulding Ranch
Sagebrush Planting – Five Hundred native plants were placed at Spaulding Ranch. Many of the West
Bench neighbors participated plus other Boise citizens who came to participate in this project. Spring of
2021 the planting of fruit trees to establish the Orchard is to take place. Due to COVID restrictions, this
will be a Parks and Recreation assignment, only. The build-out of Spaulding Ranch Park will continue, an
extended timeline for completion has been established. Zoning from residential to open space use was
presented to the City at a recent Public Hearing meeting held February 1, 2021.
**The Neighborhood Identity Kit was completed 2020. The West Bench Team worked with Nancy Jasper
of Jasper Advertising and Marketing who presented the design – layout for the Identity Kit which
includes signage, namely the Sign Toppers that were created to best reflect the West Bench
neighborhood. The Sign Toppers have been produced and placement has begun at designated locations
throughout the West Bench neighborhood. ACHD will make the sign installations. The locations for
placement were decided upon at a previous meeting.
**A meeting with Mayor McLean and Police Chief, Ryan Lee was also held during the 2020 year.
**Three Utility Box Wraps were funded and installed in the West Bench neighborhood.
**Community Building –
There were many plans for events in 2020 however due to COVID, these were postponed. Ideas for
virtual plus events that can take place with spacing in mind are in the works for the 2021 year.
**ADOPT A PARK – The West Bench Association has volunteered to clean up Mountain View Park the
last Saturday of the month for several years. This project is currently on hold. A new assignment at
Fairmont Park is likely to be in the future.
**Discussion for a community Garden at Cabarton Park be considered.
**Alexis Pickering, newly elected ACHD Commissioner was in attendance. Alexis requested that ideas
for areas of improvement throughout the district that she represents be sent to her by the 17th of
February. Alexis identified a five-year integration plan that she will be working with the ACHD Team for.
Additional Matters –
**A Board meeting was held January 11, 2021. Ideas to connect with neighbors 2021 were a Spring
cleanup, Virtual Garden Tour, Sign selfies to be shown with the newly installed West Bench signage and
front yard place making for neighbors to stop and take a break while walking thru the neighborhood.

The Annual Meeting is being requested to be moved to a designated date in the Fall of each year.
Change of this date would require an update to the bylaws of the West Bench Association, in addition
are other established By Laws that will also be reviewed for change and will be required to be adopted
by both the West Bench Neighborhood Association and the City of Boise.

Review of the Energize Boise Project – The conceptual lay out of the Linear Park has been prepared. City
of Boise Lawyers are currently working with the Settler Canal ownership for the plans presented. The
project is moving forward with a tentative start that is slated for the second quarter of 2021.
March 11th is the next scheduled Board Meeting. It will be held via ZOOM.
The meeting concluded.

Secretary: Annie Fuller

Join our Board of Directors

West Bench Neighborhood Association – NEEDING Board Members! PLease Consider. One positive and constructive way to make a difference in local government is to be a part of your local neighborhood association. In the West Bench we are making improvements to our public lands (Mountain View/Fairmont Parks, Spaulding Ranch, and the strip north of Capital HS). Speakers in 2020 included Mayor McLean and BPD Chief Lee and planned but cancelled were an Easter Egg Hunt and Fall Festival. West Bench Neighborhood IS A DIFFERENCE MAKER in our community!

These things happen because of people just like yourself being willing to attend monthly meetings and signing up for a project or two! Please consider giving a few hours a month to make your neighborhood a better place to live! Contact me at rochelle1031@yahoo.com if you are interested or would like to know more. PS Mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting and elections on Feb 11th at 7pm. You should be receiving a post card in the mail regarding the upcoming meeting.

Thanks! Rochelle

WBNA January Meeting Thursday, January 14th 7:00 – 8:00pm

WBNA January Meeting Thursday, January 14th 7:00 – 8:00pmJoin Zoom MeetingLocation:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81554265276?pwd=T0Z5KzlmaklWL1FHZHlzVDVrbitldz09?Description:WBNA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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And the Winner is…

Thank you neighbors!
We had a huge response to our poll. After nearly 200 votes a winner has emerged. The “Wood Cut” design Took an early lead and stayed in front until the end.

Next Step in the process, our design committee will work with Jasper advertising on the color design! Watch here for updates.