The Community Planning Association (COMPASS) is in the final stages of updating Communities in Motion, the regional long-range transportation plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. We are asking your assistance in providing feedback on the draft update by hosting a “Meeting in a Bag” discussion with your friends, neighbors, or colleagues. The process is fun and simple:
- Let us know you want to host a meeting by contacting Amy Luft at or 855-2558 x 231.
- Pick up your bag of meeting materials (or we can deliver it to you). Several options will be available for bag pick-up, including Communities in Motion open houses in Boise (May 10), Meridian (May 12), and Nampa (May 13). If possible, we recommend you pick up your bag at one of the open houses to provide you with the opportunity to view materials, visit with planners, and learn more about the plan and planning process at that time.
- Arrange a time and date for your meeting. The meeting should last no more than two hours and take place between May 10 and June 15, 2010. Consider a “brown bag” lunch with co-workers, morning coffee with friends, or an evening barbecue – whatever works best for you.
- Invite your guests – 10 to 15 people works well. We will provide you with invitations.
- Host your meeting. All materials and detailed instructions will be included in the bag. Be sure to have your guests complete comment forms.
- Return comment forms, sign-in sheets, and maps to COMPASS no later than June 15, 2010. A postage-paid envelope will be provided.
COMPASS planners will be available by phone at (208) 340-8254 if you have questions during your meeting.
Meeting materials will include:
- Detailed instructions
- Meeting invitations
- A DVD describing the current Communities in Motion plan
- A PowerPoint presentation describing the update process
- Sign-in sheets
- A draft of the Communities in Motion updated plan
- Draft plan summaries
- Informational handouts
- A map showing the planned transportation network and other details
- The draft plan, maps, and handouts on a CD
- Comment forms
- Discussion questions
- A postage-paid return envelope
As our way of saying “thanks,” all meeting hosts will be entered in a drawing for one of two digital video cameras and all meeting participants will be entered in a drawing for one of ten $50 movie theater gift cards.
Please consider hosting a “Meeting in a Bag.” It’s a great way to be involved in the process and to encourage your friends and colleagues to be involved as well.
Contact Amy Luft ( with any questions and visit for more information on the updated Communities in Motion plan and other opportunities for involvement and comment.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Liisa Itkonen
Principal Planner
Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho
800 S. Industry Way
Meridian, ID 83642
P 208-855-2558 x225
F 208-855-2559