Traffic Safety Committee Year End Progress Report

The West Bench Neighborhood Association committee focusing on traffic safety had a busy year. Some of our activities included:

  • Worked with our ACHD rep, Alexis Pickering to reduce the speed limit on Mountain View Dr to 25 MPH west of Cole. She is also working on additional long-term changes to encourage safety on neighborhood streets.
  • Created awareness of the speed limit by posting signs in the spring and again in the fall up and down Mountain View Dr urging drivers to slow down. Fifty signs were posted in front of resident’s homes (with homeowner permission). ? Held a neighborhood meet and greet when the signs first went up and dropped off notices so neighbors would understand the scope and timeframes for the sign project.
  • Met with our police department community officer and ACHD to encourage patrols on the street. They conducted a traffic study and scheduled patrols. We plan to continue our efforts promoting safe streets and sidewalks for walkers, cyclists, and cars.

If you have suggestions for the committee, please write us at