Dear West Bench Neighbor,

We are pleased to announce the FIRST ANNUAL West Bench Harvest Festival to be held at Mountain View Park on September 24th from 1:00-4:00 pm. Although modest, we look forward to bringing the West Bench neighbors together to say farewell to summer and enjoy the harvest this neighborhood is known for, this side of town. To bring this event to its neighbors, we are looking for funding either as a financial contribution or an in-kind donation that would be a prize for contests held at the event. The ‘signature’ Zucc Zoom Race is to be held annually, who would have thought?

Additional activities to look forward to:
Live Music ~ Bake Sale ~ Starter Plant Sale ~ Coloring Table ~ Cookie Decorating ~ Yard Games ~ Fall Photo Booth featuring the West Bench Scarecrow ~

A donation of any amount to the site would be so appreciated. All proceeds are to be used to sponsor this event plus additional events held by the WBNA. The site is prepared to accept funds from either PayPal or credit card, checks are also accepted. In addition, a donated toy or game to be given as a prize for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years of age is also requested. For questions regarding these options, please contact Annie Fuller at 208-860-5577 or Jeannette Marler at 208-376-0606. *Toys and prizes can be picked up by the WBNA Team.

Company names of donors will be mentioned during the event, in addition, recognition will be on the site post the event. Sponsorships are also available.

With Our Thanks,
Annie Fuller and the West Bench Team