West Bench Neighborhood Association Officer and Board meeting was held April 29th
This meeting was conducted via ZOOM and brought to order by President, Ronnie Marler.
This meeting was held with the primary purpose to review edits previously requested for the By Law
revisions currently taking place; this ahead of the cumulative vote to be presented to all WBNA
residents. The City of Boise will make the final review and acceptance of the By Laws once the final
vote has taken place.
Discussion for topics at the next meeting to be held May, were presented:
*Community Garden at Cabarton Park
*Follow up to Traffic Meeting
*Settlers Canal update – Energize Boise Project/Linear Park.
*Monthly Park Cleanup schedule and Park location
*Future activities to bring the WBNA together during the 2021 year.
Brief discussion for ACHD involvement to assist with areas in the Mountain View neighborhood in
addition, Christine Street which brings concern for congestion plus vehicle access, this based on
proposed multiple housing that is currently being considered. Rochelle Schaetten to coordinate a
ZOOM Meeting for attendees to be held Thursday May 6 at 7:00 PM. Follow up to this meeting to be
presented at the May Board Meeting.
The meeting concluded.