Proposed changes to Bylaws (Updated)

notebookIn order to facilitate voting by email on issues that might arise between regular meetings.The following changes have been proposed by the WBNA Board and approved by the City of Boise.


The following changes were adopted by unanimous vote at the annual member meeting Feb/11/2016.


Change to Article II section 3:

Voting                         Section 3.  For purposes of voting, signing name and address in the “Official Membership Email List” shall evidence membership.  Each member shall be entitled to one vote.  There shall be no voting by proxy.  Except as otherwise noted, a simple majority vote is needed to adopt any action. For purposes of voting by email, an email will be sent to the “Official Membership Email List” with the subject line containing “Notification of ballot” no less than 7 days before the vote is to be tallied. A Reply to the “Notification of ballot” email will serve as a ballot. A simple majority vote is needed to adopt any action.

For the purpose of annual election of officers and any other annual meeting agenda items, Voting must be done in person at the annual meeting in February. E-mail Ballots will not be made available for Annual Meeting elections.

Change to Article IV section 2 

Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep and publish minutes of meetings, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provision of these Bylaws, be custodian of the Association records, keep a register of the post office address of each active member, which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such member in the “Official Membership Email List”, keep a register of committee membership, and in general perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary.