Neighborhood Watch Luncheon

You are invited to our quarterly Neighborhood Watch Luncheon on Thursday, March 3rd, at Casa Mexico Restaurant (Fairview, just east of Five Mile) from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. They take cash, credit and debit cards.

If you can come, please RSVP to me by Tuesday, March 1st.

We have an exciting agenda planned!
1) Derek Landlands (Boise Police Dept) will share briefly about the Abandoned Vehicle process
2) I have asked a few BPD Officers to address juvenile issues, graffiti and dispatch.

It might be helpful if you email me questions and concerns that you want addressed (preferably on the above issues) and I’ll give those to the officers ahead of time.

Also, and even more importantly, we want to recognize and honor a neighborhood and a Neighborhood Watch Chairman.

Thank you.

Charlene Miller
Crime Prevention Unit
Boise Police Department
333 N. Sailfish Place
Boise, ID 83704