We will be having a Community Yard Sale on the Saturday, June 10th in the Valley View Elementary School Parking lot. We will have some music and some food. We will be excited to see everyone in the community come and search through our accumulated treasures. Come make an offer! If you have anything you would like to donate to the Association or donate time contact me!
We will regularly update the status of this event, so keep looking here or make it easier and get us your information so we can keep you in the loop! And of course we would love any amazing volunteers that we can get and will be meeting at the library on June 8th on Ustick and Cole to coordinate our activities!
- PLEASE DONATE your unwanted quality items.
- Call Kolby at (208)301-5081 to arrange for pickup or emial at kolbyandjen@gmail.com
- PLEASE DONATE your time.
- Call Kolby at (208)301-5081 to volunteer or email at kolbyandjen@gmail.com
- We need Signage. shade pop ups, and refreshments
- We need sales volunteers, sign wavers, pickups or trailers for hauling donations.
- PLEASE DONATE your social media
- Share with your friends and family
- Like West Boise Neighborhood Association Boise on Facebook and share, share, share
UPDATE: Thank you for those of you who have contacted me. We look forward to meeting with you! We will be having a planning meeting soon and hope to see you there.
If you or someone you know plays a musical instrument, lives in the neighborhood and would like to come play some music, let us know!