We had a great meeting in March. If you missed the meeting I invite you to read the Minutes. We discussed the importance of building committees to strengthen our association. Please consider being part of one of these committees. CLICK HERE
Month: March 2013
Safety Tips for Graduates; Solicitors License & Video
Attached is a pdf on safety tips for soon-to-be (high school and junior high school) graduates submitted to schools for their newsletter. Please share this with family, friends and neighbors who have teens in the home. This is valuable information written for teens.
Door-to-door Solicitors:
Attached is a copy of the Boise City License to Sell (Solicitor’s License) so you know what it looks like when a solicitor comes to your door. Be sure to ask to see their license. To read Boise City Code on solicitors, click on the link: http://cityclerk.cityofboise.org/media/223496/13539_0512. Below is the link to the short video by the Boise Police Department on how to deal with door-to-door solicitors:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjtCMwpFRns&list= UU3ajLcCCcWw2sI0eaB6U1Aw& index=28 Thank you,
Charlene Miller
Boise Police Department
333 N. Mark Stall Place
Boise, Idaho 83704Phone # – 208/570-6070
E-Mail – cmiller@cityofboise.org
Spring-Grad Safety Tips1 SolicitorLicenseSample1
Spring-Grad Safety Tips1
The West Bench Neighborhood Association
invites you to attend 2 events on
Thursday, March 14, 2013
ACHD is holding an Open House from 6-7 p.m.
to hear about the Sidewalks & Bikeways needs
in all of the west Boise area at 9950 W. Ustick Rd.
at New Heights Christian Fellowship
Our West Bench Neighborhood Association at 7 p.m
will hold its meeting (please note new day)
in Sagebrush Room at the Library! at Cole & Ustick
1. WBNA will review sidewalk & bikeways survey as it might
impact our area & further opportunities for input
2. Explanation of WBNA Committees & call for volunteers
3. Committee updates:
Public Agency Committee
Neighborhood Reinvestment Committee
4. Topic for open discussion:
What should WBNA be doing to address
your neighborhood needs?