Congratulations Betty

   Our very own Betty Brigante has been selected by the Mayor’s Office to recieve a Good Neighbor Award from the City of Boise!

Please join me in honoring Betty’s important contributions to our neighborhood.

When you see Betty give her a pat on the back. She deserves it


BUGS Community Gardening Class

I wanted to inform your neighborhood association that the Boise Urban Garden School is providing a new education series to assist in developing new community gardens in the Boise area.  The City of Boise is very supportive in this endeavor and would like to have interested parties take the course to ensure the future success of these new gardens.  We have seen an increase in people starting Community Gardens in the City, but they never really get to the second year.  Many are abandon and quickly become eyesores in the neighborhoods.  The class we are offering this fall will help groups form a structure to support many years of successful gardening.

There are many benefits to having a Community Garden in your neighborhood.  They have a way of bring the neighborhood together which in turn can lower crime rates, provide a gathering spot for the residents, and increases the pride in the neighborhood.

We are having an informational meeting on October 5th at the Wright Congregational Church at 7:00 PM explaining the course to interested parties.  If residents in your neighborhood have shown an interest in forming a community garden, we would like them to attend.  It may be good for your association members to attend just to see what community gardens are all about.  The church is located at 4821 Franklin (at the corner of Franklin and Orchard).  This is also where the Boise Urban Garden School is located, so you can see a community garden layout.  I have attached a flyer for the event in PDF format, so you can email it to anyone you know that wants to take on creating a garden.


Mike Wallace
Garden Coordinator / Course Educator
Boise Urban Garden School

community garden flyer

Sptember Meeting

   You are invited to attend our meeting, and to please bring friends & neighbors!
The West Bench Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Sagebrush Room at the Library! at Cole & Ustick

topics for this month:

Code Enforcement — What is it?  How does it work?
How can we help it work better?

Speaker, Carol Montgomery, Zoning Enforcement

What we learned at the Neighborhood Summit

Brief reports from some board members

Forming needed standing committees     (a brief introduction)

Suggestions from members for mini grant application

Adjournment 8:30 p.m. or sooner

Public hearing: rezone at Maple Grove and Ustick

Notice of Public Hearing
Legal notice is hereby given that the BOISE CITY COUNCIL will hold a public
hearing on SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 AT 6:00 P.M. in the Boise City Hall Council Chambers.
You are invited to attend the hearing, and anyone may offer oral or written comments for the Council’s consideration if the hearing is not an appeal.
Any written testimony should identify the file number.

CAR11-00008/ Ada County Highway District
Rezone of 0.725 acres located at 4721 N. Maple Grove Road from R-1C
(Single Family Residential) to N-OD (Neighborhood Office with Design

The Mayor’s eMemo

Thursday, September 08, 2011
The Mayor’s eMemo

Dear WBNA:
I’m looking for a few neighborhood heroes — and I need your help to find them.


I’m talking about the person who is always ready to help a neighbor in need; the first to volunteer for a clean-up project; the one who forms the Neighborhood Watch program and organizes the block party. The person everyone wants for a neighbor.


The City of Boise wants to recognize these champions who, in large ways and small, do so much to help make our lives better. And I’ll be doing that at our National Good Neighbor Day reception on Wednesday, Sept. 28. The event, free to the public, will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Main Library auditorium.


Neighborhoods are the cornerstones of a livable city, and Boise has some of the best. Our 36 registered neighborhood associations represent every facet of our diverse community. These are the places where people live, work, learn and have fun.


Boise celebrates and supports neighborhoods in many ways — our National Night Out in August; the Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant program, just launched for 2012; and this Saturday’s Treasure Valley Neighborhood Summit. The Good Neighbor awards I’ll be presenting later this month not only recognize good works; they also inspire all of us to look for ways to lend a hand where we can.


But I can’t honor these heroes unless I know who they are. Please fill out a National Good Neighbor Day Nomination form today; the deadline is this Sunday, Sept. 11.


Don’t forget to thank your good neighbors for their good deeds — and do a few of your own.

Until next time