Upcoming City Council public hearing.

ZOA10-9 / Ordinance Amendment Establishing an Administrative Variance Process
Please be advised that the City Council will be conducting an advertised public hearing on
this ordinance amendment. The hearing will be held on February 15, at 6:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall. The Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended approval of the amendment at its December 6, 2010, meeting.
The amendment will allow the Boise City Zoning Administrator to decide requests for
certain variances, including any variance in a residential zone, provided there is no adverse
comment from neighbors or the neighborhood association. Please see the attached for the
entire text of the amendment.
Please call Scott Spjute at 384-3830 if you have any questions.

Community Education Registration NOW OPEN!

The Winter 2011 Session of Community Education is now
online and open for registration!!

You may access the class list and register here:

Winter 2011 Session

You will find many exciting offerings this year including:
French, Italian, Banjo, QuickBooks, BeeKeeping, Backyard Chickens… and SO MUCH MORE!!!

We have more than 250 offerings.

Many classes are a great fit for family fun and offer adult and child registration discounts.

Jump online and register today! Our classes fill quickly!

See you in class in 2011!