Join us in September

The West Bench Neighborhood Association Board Meeting was brought to order by President Melby at 6:30 PM at the Ustick Library, on April 13, 2023. Attendance was taken and a quorum established to conduct the meeting. Officer and Board introductions were made to new attendees. Treasurer’s Report made by Joan Wallace thru the date of March 31, 2023. The ending bank balance posted is $665.06 post expenditures/purchases made in the first quarter of this year. A brief review of the Easter Egg Hunt at Fairmont Park was discussed. The hunt was rescheduled due to the weather conditions from April 1st to April 8th in addition the start time for the event was moved to 1:00 pm. An approximate number of 220 attendees was a combination of children and adults. A meeting to debrief and document the event with final notes is to be scheduled. The Summer ACT Mini-Grant Applications are due May 1st. The WBNA will request funds that will apply to the Fall Festival to be held September 2023. A brief discussion was made regarding capital expenditures plus the actual dollar amount that could be allowed. A motion was made and then approved to request up to $1,000.00 from the City of Boise. The budget meeting to decide what is to be specifically requested and which category it falls within is to be held on April 18th at 5:00 PM at Ustick Library. The Boise City Zoning Rewrite is underway, offering a 611-page draft – 2022-02-27. The Planning and Zoning Commission is to hold public hearings between the dates of April 24-27th. The public at this time will be given the opportunity to present concerns and sentiments for the proposed zoning changes. The City Council hearings will be held June 2023 and the City Council Reading to be July/August 2023. At this time a possible vote could be taken. The WBNA Public Agency will prepare a draft-statement regarding the proposed zoning revision. Individual citizens are free to testify personally at these hearings. The WBNA to adopt a position as an organization; the bylaws of the WBNA are to be followed requiring a majority vote of members. Due to the timeline of April Planning and Zoning hearings, the WBNA will not have sufficient time to establish and adopt a position however, it is likely that the WBNA membership could choose to adopt a position ahead of the city council hearings to be held June 2023. The Morrison Center will organize a free-to-all music concert at Mountain View Park to be held on July 26th. Local bands will be a featured at this event. The WBNA has been asked to promote and participate in this event. A vendor booth will be provided to the WBNA and discussion for an opportunity to create a fundraiser is likely in future meetings. The meeting adjourned.
The West Bench Neighborhood Association committee focusing on traffic safety had a busy year. Some of our activities included:
If you have suggestions for the committee, please write us at
The West Bench Neighborhood Association Board Meeting was brought to order
by President Jonathan Melby at 6:30 at Ustick Library. Attendance taken.
Treasurer Report presented by Joan Wallace.
An addition of $199.90 which is an ACT Mini Grant reimbursement brought the
December 31st, 2022, ending balance to $859.78.
The next ACT mini-Grant submission is due January 15, 2023. Submission will be
for the following: $500.00 for the Spring Easter Egg event plus a WBNA-branded
tablecloth and a WBNA-designed banner, the total request for submission of
these two items is $425.00. A motion was made, and all agreed to submit the
event banner and tablecloth.
The Public Agency Committee was discussed; interest and involvement were
requested. The Committee will explore and investigate opportunities to learn
more about what can enhance and bring businesses to the West Bench
community. Additional committee structuring could include the following:
establishing HOAs, identifying the West Bench neighborhood as a historical
neighborhood, meeting with developers, rezoning within the neighborhood, and
what this means to the West Bench neighborhood.
A motion was made to request $400.00 to establish this Committee with the use
of social media and communication support. All agreed and this will be
submitted to the Spring ACT- Mini-Grant.
The Master Plan for the Goddard Linear Park is to be presented at Boise City
Hall, on January 19th at 4:00 pm. A motion was made and passed that the
WBNA is to represent the West Bench neighborhood and accept the Master
Plan as it is currently presented. Ronnie Marler is selected to speak to City
Representatives on behalf of those in attendance from the West Bench
The WBNA will meet at the Ustick Library thru March 2023 at the same time.
Discussion for a different location and time to be investigated as there is a
scheduling conflict with another weekly event. President Melby is to
investigate this item.
The meeting adjourned.
We are pleased to announce the FIRST ANNUAL West Bench Harvest Festival to be held at Mountain View Park on September 24th from 1:00-4:00 pm. Although modest, we look forward to bringing the West Bench neighbors together to say farewell to summer and enjoy the harvest this neighborhood is known for, this side of town. To bring this event to its neighbors, we are looking for funding either as a financial contribution or an in-kind donation that would be a prize for contests held at the event. The ‘signature’ Zucc Zoom Race is to be held annually, who would have thought?
Additional activities to look forward to:
Live Music ~ Bake Sale ~ Starter Plant Sale ~ Coloring Table ~ Cookie Decorating ~ Yard Games ~ Fall Photo Booth featuring the West Bench Scarecrow ~
A donation of any amount to the site would be so appreciated. All proceeds are to be used to sponsor this event plus additional events held by the WBNA. The site is prepared to accept funds from either PayPal or credit card, checks are also accepted. In addition, a donated toy or game to be given as a prize for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years of age is also requested. For questions regarding these options, please contact Annie Fuller at 208-860-5577 or Jeannette Marler at 208-376-0606. *Toys and prizes can be picked up by the WBNA Team.
Company names of donors will be mentioned during the event, in addition, recognition will be on the site post the event. Sponsorships are also available.
With Our Thanks,
Annie Fuller and the West Bench Team
(walk, bike or park at Mountain View Elementary School)
Let’s come together and have some fun to close out summer. This family friendly Volunteer organized fund raising event is hosted by WBNA for our neighbors.
Bring your wallet and let’s have some fun!
*build & decorate your own zucchini car (some wheels and decorations will be available on a first come basis).
**Mom and Dad, Download and print coloring pages for the kids. Here and Here don’t worry we’ll have crayons and printouts at the event too!
Meeting Minutes Archive are now availible on the WBNADocuments Tab.