Code Compliance

(Formerly known as Code Enforcement)
Our Neighborhood Zoning Enforcement officer is Carol Montgomery. She is a great resource for our neighborhood. She will work with you to resolve Zoning issues.

Carol Montgomery.
(208) 794-9481

Following is from Boise City’s Code Compliance page.

What Does Zoning Enforcement Do?
Zoning Enforcement works with Boise’s citizens to help resolve issues that impact quality of life, including complaints concerning violations of the zoning, sanitation and nuisance ordinances.

Zoning Enforcement operates on a complaint-driven basis, which means we must partner with neighbors and other concerned groups to resolve code violations. Zoning Enforcement’s goal is to help neighbors resolve problems while dealing with these violations.

How to file a complaint
Citizens may file a complaint online (use this link), or call our office at 208/384-3845. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted; however, the names of private citizens filing a complaint remain confidential from the public or press for the duration of the investigation into their complaint.

Zoning Enforcement can help resolve:

  • Business activities within a residential zone
  • Accumulation of junk, trash or garbage
  • Outdoor storage of junk or debris
  • Accumulation of weeds, open areas of dry vegetation
  • Yard/garage sales every weekend
  • Farm animals in residential areas
  • Bushes, shrubs, trees or fences blocking vision at street or driveway intersections
  • Abandoned or vacant buildings
  • Residential parking (parking on lawn)
  • People living in recreational vehicles
  • Inoperable or junked vehicles, or vehicle parts on private property (in plain view)

Boise’s Ordinances
Zoning | Sanitation | Nuisance

Helpful Information
Zoning Enforcement Area Map | “Who Do I Call?” Brochure