McMillan Road & Mitchell Street Intersection

The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) is planning a change to the intersection of McMillan Road and Mitchell Street. The change will remove the stop signs on McMillan, leaving the intersection controlled by the stop sign on Mitchell. The T-intersection is currently allway stop-controlled.

Why change the current intersection configuration?

The change is due to the reduction in the number of vehicles using Mitchell Street since the Maple Grove Extension project was opened in 2007.

Earlier this year ACHD examined whether all-way stop-control was still needed at this intersection. The existing conditions and impacts of removing the stop signs on McMillan Road were analyzed, looking closely at intersection delay and safety.

While traffic volumes on McMillan have remained fairly constant, the volumes on Mitchell have dropped roughly 50% since the new connection.

Look for the change over on Monday, September, 27th

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