March 11, Board Meeting

This meeting took place via ZOOM and was brought to order by President Ronnie Marler.  

Bylaw input and revision request from the previous meeting were discussed at this meeting.  Recommendations provided were reviewed and discussion for additional time to make revision  requests was established. A particular item discussed was Article 3- Section 3 to include meetings via  ZOOM to be considered standard. The extension to provide input for changes to the bylaws will be  thru the third week of April. The Board and Officers will vote on the final edits, this ahead of  presenting the updated By Laws delivered to the Neighborhood Association in total to review and  vote, this to be May 2021.  

*An interim meeting if required to finalize the items revised, could be put into place. The City of Boise  will make the final approval of the revisions.  

Discussion for the change in Annual Meeting date for the best month of each year took place. The  group consensus will be to hold this meeting the month of October each year.  

ACHD Commissioner Alexis Pickering was in attendance to explain the onset of the five-year  integration plan that is being formed by ACHD; IFYWP. Alexis presented the ACHD website for all in  attendance to view and pointed out the links to access where the West Bench Association can come  together to make requests for intersection plus high traffic areas where it is deemed that assistance  from ACHD might be requested.  

The meeting concluded.