February 13, 2020
Ronnie Marlar welcomed a crowd of over 35 people to the annual meeting.
Jonathan gave the Treasurers report – Checking $438.70
Savings – $25.00
2020 Mini Grant – $2,000.00
Ronnie explained to the new-comers that we are an unincorporated non-profit. Jonathan added that he has investigated the 501C status and it is considerable paperwork, but feels that it can be accomplished.
Ronnie reviewed the associations accomplishments this past year.
Settlers Canal – we are working with the University of Idaho on landscaping and developing a linear park that is pedestrian friendly.
Capital Grants will help the association with an “identity kit” which includes a logo representing our neighborhood, sign toppers and other marketing information. The Community Building Committee has had several meetings on this subject as well as future plans for our association
Fairmont Park picnic shelter and additional walking path were celebrated with a potluck at the site
Planting at Spaulding Ranch – sage and bitter brush was planted in about 1/4 of the future park by WBNA members and volunteers
Yard Sale – the annual yard sale made just over $200.
Mountain View Park – the last Saturday of each month we clean up our adopted park and Mary Margaret reports our hours to the city. Any damaged trees, vandalism or concerns in the park are reported as well.
2020 plans for the coming year –
- Working with city as we are an “energize” area which means we get additional funds and help from the city to energize our neighborhood. Ronnie explained to the new comers about the work that was accomplished in the Vista Neighborhood several years ago with this program.
- Outreach events to make residents aware of projects
- Our first Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 11 at Fairmont Park
- Planting the orchard at Spaulding Ranch this fall
- A Fall Festival is in the planning stages, TBA
Rochelle suggested that we give more details on where Spaulding is and our plans for the park. Ronnie obliged with more details on where it is situated. The Barn, when restored, will be an events center, weddings – parties, farm to table gardens, walking paths and much more. BUGS will provide classes as well. The old Ranch House will be offices and smaller meeting spaces for our West Bench Neighborhood Association and other organizations. As it is completed there will be more and more partners and people using the space. The plans are on our WBNA website as well as Boise City Parks and Recreation website. Discussion followed.
Ronnie turned the meeting over to Rochelle to conduct the elections of officers.
Rochelle thanked all the officers for their hard work this last year.
New officers for 2020 are:
- President – Ronnie Marler
- Vice President – Jody Hull
- Secretary – Annie Fuller
- Treasurer- Jonathan Melby
- New board Members: Ken Miller, Aaron England, Diane Wilmore and Joe Gordon
Next regular meeting is March 12, 7:00 PM, Cole/Ustick Library