Mountain View Pedestrian project update

Public Involvement Opportunity

Since the open house, the ACHD Commissioners have reviewed the comments and directed staff to explore another option for pedestrian facilities. This option would include curb, gutter and sidewalk on the south side of Mountain View Drive for the entire length of the street between Cole Road and Ustick Road. As part of this option ACHD would also evaluate the feasibility of sidewalk on the streets leading to Mountain View Elementary School.
ACHD staff will present the proposed Mountain View project, with the refined option mentioned above, to the  ACHD Commissioners onWednesday, October 26th, 2011 at the 6 p.m. Commission Meeting. The Commissioners will consider whether or not the project should move forward. The public is encouraged to attend as there will be an opportunity for public comment before the Commission makes a decision. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but would like to submit comments, please send them to 3775 Adams Street, Garden City, ID 83714 or to A staff report will appear on ACHD’s web site at least a week before the meeting.