Recycle the Fall

Hello Neighborhood Leaders,

First off let us say thank you for all that you do to strengthen and build our great neighborhoods in Boise. We are writing to remind you the very popular “Recycle the Fall” curbside leaf collection program is right around the corner.

Program guidelines are simple. Boise residents can recycle leaves, grass clippings and garden wastes using compostable paper leaf bags. Set paper leaf bags out on your regular trash collection day from November 7 through December 2. The bags must be out by 7 a.m. and at least 3 feet from your trash and recycling carts. Please do not block mail boxes, driveways or alleys with the leaf bags. Yard wastes and leaves in plastic bags at the curb will NOT be picked up. The attached Fall newsletter provides even more information, including where to find this year’s leaf coupon.

We are once again offering you the opportunity to reserve a large leaf recycling rolloff bin for use in your neighborhood. You have to pick a location that must be approved by Public Works. The bins will be available on a limited basis. Please call Megan Kershner at 384-3901 and she’ll work with you to customize an approach that fits your neighborhood’s needs. While we know this is a very popular option and is needed in some neighborhoods after December 2nd, we want to encourage you all to promote the curbside collection.  NOTE: Ada County Solid Waste Management Dept. is only accepting leaves for composting through December 10, 2011.  As a result, all leaf recycling programs end on December 10 without exceptions.

We will also have leaf recycling rolloff bins at the Armory, Cassia Park, and Elm Grove Park.  Leaf bins will be available for a limited time at these locations between November 21 and December 9.  To learn more, visit our website or call Megan at 384-3901.

Again, thanks for all you do to make Boise the most livable City in the country. Enjoy your fall and please feel free to call us if you have questions or comments.

Thanks, VT
Vince Trimboli
Community Relations Supervisor
City of Boise Public Works

150 N. Capitol Blvd.

Boise, Idaho 83701
(208) 384-3927 (w)
(208) 949-3712 (c)

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