Annual meeting Minutes for Feb 16th 2011

West Bench Neighborhood Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by Graham Paterson at the Library at Cole and Ustick.  Graham welcomed the large crowd and spoke about the purpose of the WBNA which is to work with the City of Boise on problems and issues in our area.  Graham described the boundaries of the WBNA.

The minutes of the 2010 Annual Meeting were read into the record and they were unanimously accepted.

Elizabeth Carter provided the Treasurer’s report.  We have $73.18 in the account.  The major expense during the year was payment to Ronnie Marler for development and maintenance of the WBNA website,  The Treasurer’s report was unanimously accepted.

The election of officers and board members was held.  Officers for 2011 are as follows:  Betty Brigante – President, Kara Deverall – Vice President, Elizabeth Carter – Treasurer, Ronnie Marler – Secretary.  The Board members for 2011 include the officers plus Graham Paterson, Fairy Hitchcock, John Frazier, Richard DeShazo, Tamara Donovan, Sara Baker, Chris Allen and John Coldiron.

Graham Paterson reviewed the major 2010 WBNA activities.  The website was designed and placed on-line funded thru a Boise City Mini-grant, we created and mailed postcards to advertise the 2011 meeting and an e-mail WBNA newsletter was created.

Graham then introduced Idaho State Representative Grant Burgoyne, District 16 who explained how to contact our State legislators through e-mail and/or telephone.  He was joined by Idaho State Rep Max Black, District 15 and Idaho State Senator John Andreason District 15.  A lively discussion ensued with many WBNA members asking questions, particularly about the size of the Idaho budget deficit and how to deal with that shortfall.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.