This grant program specifically calls out Neighborhood associations so I thought I would pass it on.
You are receiving this email because I thought this new grant pilot from the Boise City Department of Arts & History — the Performing Arts& Cultural Community Celebration Grant — might be of interest. The main idea behind the grant is to help make it a little easier for those of you who want to create or continue presenting community events and celebrations to include performing artists.Although it is difficult to articulate exactly, the grant is intended for those who are sincerely attempting to first and foremost, create a community-building event. It will be up to the panel review to determine this objective from the application narratives. (Department of Arts & History staff remain neutral throughout the grant review process.)
The pilot opened late yesterday (after some technical glitches!) and closes March 11, 2011.
Details are provided in the link — but since it is a pilot project, I fully expect that we will need to clarify some details. So don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!
And here is the link:,
Amy E. Fackler
Cultural Programs Manager
City of Boise, Department of Arts & History
phone: (208) 433-5675/fax: (208) 433-5673