The citizen Park & Recreation Commission and the Boise Parks & Recreation Department are seeking input to determine if there is neighborhood support for the proposed plan The parks identified as possible locations for the dog off-leash pilot program are:
- Castle Hills Park, 5350 Eugene St., 83703
- Cypress Park, 4382 S. Tableridge Way, 83716
- DeMeyer Park, 5100 N. Tumbleweed Place, 83713
- Hillside Park, 4150 N. 36th, 83703
- Manitou Park, 2001 S. Manitou Ave., 83706
- Redwood Park, 2675 N. Shamrock St., 83713
- Sunset Park, 2625 N. 32nd St., 83703
- Winstead Park, 6150 Northview St., 83704
Except for Winstead Park, dogs would be allowed off leash during early morning and/or evening hours at parks selected for the pilot project.
To avoid conflicts with user groups and park reservations at Winstead Park, dogs would be allowed off-leash during daylight hours from Nov. 1-March 31.
Sites were identified based on current uses, scheduled activities, geographic diversity, site access, parking, maintenance and financial impacts.
Existing regulations requiring owners to pick up after their pets would still apply. Additional mutt mitt dispensers and trash cans would be installed, and animal control officers and Boise Parks & Recreation staff would closely monitor compliance with the rules and evaluate seasonal park use patterns.
Neighborhood feedback is being gathered via:
- Questionnaires mailed to nearby households
- Online survey
- 8 public meetings to be held Feb. 17-March 9
Public meetings for each park have been scheduled from 6-7 p.m. at:
Feb. 17: Cypress Park – Trail Wind Elementary Cafeteria, 3701 E Lake Forest Drive
Feb. 22: Manitou Park – Garfield Elementary Cafeteria, 1914 S Broadway Ave.
Feb. 23: Winstead Park – Morley Nelson Community Center, 7701 W. Northview St.
Feb. 24: Redwood Park – Library at Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Road
March 1: Castle Hills Park – Cynthia Mann Elementary School Library, 5401 W. Castle Drive
March 3: Hillside Park – Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St. (Hillside)
March 8: DeMeyer Park – Boise WaterShed, 11818 W Joplin Rd
March 9: Sunset Park – Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St.
Feedback will be compiled for consideration by the Park & Recreation Commission. No start date has been established for the one-year program.
Currently, dogs must be leashed and owners must pick up after pets in all city parks. Parks are open from sunrise to sunset.
The City of Boise operates dog off-leash parks at three sites:
Military Reserve Flood Basin, 750 Mountain Cove Road (Northeast Boise)
Morris Hill Park, 10 Roosevelt St. (Boise Bench)
Pine Grove Park, 8995 W. Shoup (West Boise)
A fourth temporary dog off-leash area is planned for the Sterling site on Mitchell Street, pending funding.
For information, see www.cityofboise.org/parks or call the Parks Administration Office at (208) 608-7600. ###a