May 10th Agenda

May 10th Agenda

At a meeting of WBNA Board members (Minutes here) WBNA Board Decided we would have a visioning event of our own.

Board member Jonathan Melby will lead the group in a brainstorming session
to help guide WBNA using the base question What does it mean for WBNA to be Successful? .

Intended deliverable will be a loosely prioritized List of neighborhood goals.



The Boise City Council has been discussing ways to engage Boise residents on issues that we all care about. In a survey sent out early in the year, many residents said that they’d like to hear from us through town halls, similar to how they hear from their legislators. The first town hall will be held from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11 at Fire Station 4, at 8485 Ustick Road.

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