January Member Meeting recap

We had a productive start to 2013 at our member meeting last night thank you to everyone who came. We had spirited conversations  If you missed it you can read the minutes HERE and get caught up.


A couple links from last night’s meeting

VolunteerSecretary. The Secretary shall keep and publish minutes of meetings, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provision of these Bylaws, be custodian of the Association records, keep a register of the post office address of each active member, which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such member in the “Official Membership List”, keep a register of committee membership, and in general perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary.




The West Bench Neighborhood Association invites you to attend our Meeting

Wednesday, January 16,  2013 at 7:00 p.m. 


Sagebrush Room at the Library! at Cole & Ustick  

WBNA is kicking off the year with a meeting to discuss a list of issues and activities for 2013:






1. Spaulding Ranch —  Can we defend its historic preservation district status?   We need to vote at our meeting on this issue.

  • “Allow WBNA Board of Directors to speak on behalf of it’s members at public meetings. For the purpose of supporting WBNA Board’s position on proposed Spaulding Ranch developoment. and it’s objection to any motion to lift historic overlays for such development.”

2. Obtain funds to keep website functioning.

3. Distribute Vinyl Clings to form partnerships with  businesses in our area.

4. Design Review rules, and our City relationship

5. Sidewalk completion on Ash Park

6. Vandalism & other problems in commercial areas.

7. NeighborWoods program.

8. Bicycle route planning in West Bench area

9. Reschedule Yearly Meeting to February 6th 2013

Sidewalk snow removal

Dear Neighbors,

I’ve received a few inquiries on sidewalk snow removal lately, so I did some research on the topic. When we receive the amount of snow like we’ve had in the last week or so and it sticks, sidewalks can be dangerous places to walk.

Boise City Code 9-08-07 – Removing snow from sidewalks – states that

the owner of a building (home, business, church, etc) is to keep their sidewalks clear of snow every day.  Usually, snow melts quickly here and doesn’t last long enough to be a concern. However, when the snowfall sticks, it’s important that we shovel it off our sidewalks.

Boise City Zoning Enforcement handles this complaint, and can be reached at 384-3845 if you have questions or want further information.

A little Boise trivia: The ordinance was first written in 1922 and updated in 1952. One of the reasons the code was written was to allow Boise Police Foot Patrols to cover their beats safely. Now that we have many more sidewalks than in 1952, the issue now is for the safety of our residents.

We can look on this as our winter ‘neighborhood get-together’ – shoveling snow together :)! Take care and be safe!

Charlene Miller
Crime Prevention Unit
Boise Police Department
333 N. Sailfish Place
Boise, ID 83704

Emergency Preparedness Information

Think about Hurricane Sandy, Are you prepared for disaster? Although it’s unlikely that your West Bench home will be swept away by a storm surge., nobody is not immune to disaster.

Click on the link below for the January 2013 Emergency Preparedness Pointer.    This provides excellent steps to be better prepared in case of an emergency or disaster.


Paul “Crash” Marusich
Public Education and Mitigation
Ada City-County Emergency Management
Office: (208) 577-4750
Fax:    (208) 577-4759